Each of our sheepskin pelts comes from one of the lambs we have utilized for meat. We prepare them with applications of kosher salt here at the farm and then they are shipped to WI for tanning using a non-toxic proprietary process, rendering them washable. Once returned to the farm, each is handcarded to remove any tangles or residual vegetative matter in the fleece.
They are unique in size; color; and fleece length, texture and fineness.
Note: Sheepskins are not returnable or exchangeable.
Curly White-Ivory Sheepskins
Description Dimensions SKU DSF Cross x Border Leicester - Ivory Curly 46"x33"x3" DSFXBLIVCURL DSF Border Leicester Natural Curls Ivory 53"x35"6" DSFBLNCIV DSF Border Leicester X Ivory/White 45"x35"x4" DSFXBLIVW DSF Border Leicester X White 48"x35"x5" DSFXBLW DSF Border Leicester X White/Ivory 45"x31"x5" DSFXBLWIV
DSF Border Leicester Steely White/Ivory 44"x32"x3.5" DSFXBLSWI DSF Border Leicester Natural Curls White 46"x29"x6" DSFSBLNCW DSF Coopworth x Border Leicester True Ivory 41”x31”x5” DFSXxCxBLNCI